
The power of tenderness: the work of Tina Modotti

Thursday at CAMERA | 24 October 2024, 6.30pm

Who was Tina Modotti really? Hollywood actress, political activist and photographer, Modotti was able to capture the profound essence of revolutionary Mexico in just a few years, becoming one of the most significant figures on the 20th century art scene. Through her images, she gave voice to the social struggles of the Mexican people, interweaving her artistic career with her political commitment.

During the first talk on the occasion of the exhibition Tina Modotti. Works, Thursday 24 October at 6.30pm, curator Riccardo Costantini and curator Monica Poggi will guide the public in their discovery of the photography of this multifaceted artist.


With the participation of
Riccardo Costantini, curator of the exhibition
Monica Poggi, curator and head of exhibitions at CAMERA


The talk costs 3,00€
For reservations, click here.