Institutional meetings

CAMERA organizes in its spaces every kind of training dedicated to photographic archivists and professionals.
June 2017: The case of the re-use of Eni’s photographic archive lecture at EOGAN – European Oil and Gas Archive Network Annual Conference
June 2018: Accessibility of archival collections, preservation of and access to memory, quantitative and qualitative data lecture at EOGAN – European Oil and Gas Archive Annual Conference Network
November 2018: Management of photographic materials in the archive class with Elvira Tonelli and curated by the National Museum of Cinema.
January 2019: Digitalization of photography class with Enrico Demaria and Antonio Davide Madonna
February 2019: Present Archives. Reflections starting from a fund of prints convention organized by Arteco
March 2019: Right of photography class with Salvo Dell’Arte
May 2019: Photography as source for history: first stages of treatment of collections lecture at EOGAN – European Oil and Gas Archive Network Annual Conference