An exhibition centre for both Italian and international photography.
A centre for image education, staging meetings, ateliers and workshops.
A study centre for the valorisation of photographic heritage.


A project of international scope, undertaken in the autumn of 2015 with a range of private partnerships, CAMERA aims to reinforce its connection with the territorial system ever more: a unique hub dedicated to photography, capable of strengthening the link between Piedmont and Italy with the main centres throughout the world, promoting photography through an open and creative dialogue with artists and institutions.

The aim of promoting photography is aimed at a broad and diversified usership that may be broken down across various typologies, ages and territories. CAMERA, through numerous elements of attraction and interest, from exhibitions to workshops, meetings and ateliers, aims to become an ever clearer point of reference, a place of meeting and exchange for citizens, with a diverse cultural offer for each target category: photo lovers, amateur photographers, professionals and scholars.

Thus, CAMERA is a platform for display, production, archiving, training, meeting and debate all around photography: a place rooted in the territory yet with an international outlook.

2,000 m2 dedicated to photography

The venue

CAMERA is situated within the Santa Pelagia block, in the building where the Regia Opera della Mendicità opened the first free schools in the Kingdom of Sardinia. Its position in the city centre, between Piazza Vittorio Veneto and Piazza Castello, a stone’s throw away from the Mole Antonelliana and from many other museums and galleries, offers an interesting historical, architectural and environmental context, not to mention convenient accessibility for visitors and guests.

The original layout, comprising a sequence seven large rooms accessed by a long lateral corridor with arched vaults, represented the starting point from which to work on the transformation of these historical environments. Together with the studio Camerana&Partners, a contemporary exhibition space was designed, also suited to hosting activities linked to teaching and public meetings.

The redevelopment work and the creation of the space was made possible thanks to the European Union, through co-financing from the ERDF ROP (Regional Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund) Piedmont Region 2007-2013, as part of the activities of valorisation and protection of environmental and cultural heritage.

Exhibitions, Meetings, Education and Archives are the main axes of CAMERA activities.


    With an exhibition space of almost 2,000 m2, every year CAMERA presents three or four major exhibitions as well as a series of minor shows, alternating Italian and international experiences. CAMERA organises and hosts anthological shows by established artists, thematic collectives, as well as projects that investigate the latest research by up-and-coming young photographers.

    The exhibition programming addresses various genres and practices of photography, today ever more in dialogue with the other disciplines of art and with realities active in the promotion of culture, on both the national and international stage. All the exhibitions are produced or co-produced by CAMERA, in association with other Italian and international institutions.


  • Meetings

    In the Gymnasium room, CAMERA hosts a programme of meetings open to the public with a view to making the Centre a meeting point for comparison and dialogue around photography. The programme includes encounters with the protagonists of the world of photography and culture, along with realities active on the local, Italian and international territory, in order to foster virtuous debate and thus to cultivate a new space for cultural discussion, expression and experimentation.


  • Education

    CAMERA’s educational activities foresee a programme aimed at different audiences on the basis of age and training, in the belief that imagery education favours the development of knowledge, as well as personal and autonomous critical skills. The educational programme includes a calendar of workshops, meetings and higher training courses staged in collaboration with professional photographers and authoritative international partners. At the same time, the educational activities dialogue with the younger members of the public through ateliers for schools and families with a view to promoting photography as a practice and language, and to providing the tools for the reading and comprehension of an image through the deployment of the gaze.


  • Archives

    CAMERA dedicates its great commitment and skill to the study of photography archives, through conservational and cataloguing practices, the organisation of shows and publications with materials from both public and private collections.

    What’s more, in collaboration with the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, CAMERA coordinates the project entitled ‘Censimento delle raccolte fotografiche in Italia’ (‘Census of the Photography Collections in Italy’) dedicated to the valorisation of the Italian photographic heritage.


Board of Directors

Emanuele Chieli, Chairman
Dario Cimorelli, Vice-Chairman
Sara Abram
Guido Bertero
Antonio Carloni
Francesca Lavazza
Giorgia Molajoni
Paolo Pellegrin
Elisa Sighicelli
Giulia Tosetti

Board of Audit

Luigi Puddu, Chairman
Vincenzo Gambaruto
Riccardo Ranalli


Artistic Director, Walter Guadagnini
Secretary-General, Carlo Spinelli

Project Development
Exhibitions, Monica Poggi
Research Projects, Giangavino Pazzola
Educational Activities, Cristina Araimo with Giulia Ninotta
Archives, Barbara Bergaglio

Promotion and Marketing
Communication and Press Office, Giulia Gaiato with Alessia Belli
Social Media, Cristina Campanella
Organisation, Silvia Macioce
Multimedia Productions, Antonio Jordán

Organisation and Management
Administration, Mariella Brignolo
Bookshop and Ticketing, Emanuele Peluffo with Lucìa Cersosimo
Technology and Infrastructure, Edoardo Prato