
CAMERA KIDS | Visit with fun for “Nuova Generazione”

On Sundays at 3.30pm | Check out the calendar!

On Sundays CAMERA dedicates to children and families a special guided tour designed to capture the attention of the kids and involve them in the stories narrated by the artists of the exhibition Nuova Generazione. Sguardi contemporanei sugli Archivi Alinari.

The visits take place on Sundays at 3.30pm according to the following calendar: 19 November, 17 December, 14 and 28 January 2024.


Recommended age: 6 to 13 years.

The cost is 4€ per child + a reduced ticket for an accompanying adult.

The guided tour starts at 3.30pm and lasts about an hour.

Reservation is required, click here to book.