ICP Masterclass | Visual Storytelling

Starts on July 2018 the third edition of the Masterclass in Visual Storytelling in cooperation with ICP-International Center of Photography of New York.
With ICP Masterclasses students will learn how to tell a refined story, develop a “media kit” stocked with both technical and artistic tools, seamlessly edit and sequence imagery.
It is a flexible program and prospective students may apply for any one-week module, a combination of weeklong modules, or an entire month-long program.
The modules:
• Storytelling and workflow (2-6 July)
• Multi-media basics with audio (9-14 July)
• Contextual editing and sequencing (16-20 July)
• From stills to video (23-27 July)
In the Application form all modules descriptions and the requirements to apply.
Two scholarships will be assigned on merit by a committee from the International Center of Photography and CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia.
Upon completion of all four modules, students will automatic acceptance to any of ICP’s three full-time One-Year Certificate.
All lesson, seminars and activities will be in English.
Here the ICP teachers profiles.
Location: CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, Via delle Rosine, 18 – Torino
Class times: 10am – 5pm; evening lectures at 7pm.
Number of selected students: 30
Equipment: All Students are required to have their own laptop, external hard drive, and relevant updated software as well as a DSLR camera and tripod
Application fee: 50€ (application fee will not be reimbursed to non-selected applicants).
4 modules, 1.900€
4 modules (with accommodation), 2.300€
1 module, 800€
2 modules, 1.300€
3 modules, 1.650€
Submissions deadline MAY 25
Do you need more information?
Contact us: mariacristina.araimo@camera.to | +39 011 0881150