“How to Make Jam” by Vaste Programme
Thursday at CAMERA | 15 December 2023, 6.30pm

CAMERA is offering an appointment dedicated to contemporary photography and the territory, two aspects that the Foundation develops through exhibitions, meetings and educational activities.
On Thursday, November 14, at 6:30pm there will be a talk with the Vaste Programme art collective composed of Leonardo Magrelli (1989) – currently on display, together with three other young artists, in CAMERA’s Project Room in the collective exhibition Nuova Generazione. Sguardi contemporanei sugli Archivi Alinari – and Giulia Vigna (1992). The talk will be an opportunity to learn about Vaste Programme’s new project entitled Come si fa la marmellata (How to make jam), curated by ARTECO (Beatrice Zanelli) and JEST (Francesca Cirilli), which is also an exhibition currently on view at the Pinacoteca G.A. Levis in Chiomonte in the province of Turin.
The project was the winner of the public notice Strategia Fotografia 2022 promoted by the General Directorate of Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture of Italy and is part of a program of artist residencies developed by the G.A. Pinacoteca Levis in Chiomonte. The aim is to host contemporary artists, involving them in the reinterpretation of the works of landscape painter Giuseppe Augusto Levis – active during the first two decades of the 20th century – and in a confrontation with the territory of the Susa Valley, its nature, traditions and communities, in order to increase the civic collections with a nucleus of contemporary art works.
The exhibition is supported by the publication How to Make Jam published by Witty Books.
With the participation of:
Leonardo Magrelli and Giulia Vigna, Vaste Program
Beatrice Zanelli, curator, ARTECO and G.A. Art Gallery. Levis
Francesca Cirilli, photographer and curator, JEST
Giangavino Pazzola, curator, head of research projects at CAMERA
The talk costs 3€.
For reservations, click here.