Letti in CAMERA presents 99objects
Letti in CAMERA | Tuesday 18 February 2025, 6.30 pm

On 18 February at 6.30 pm, Letti in CAMERA presents 99objects, an artistic and editorial project by PetriPaselli that investigates the deep connection between objects and memory, exploring collecting as a tension between the finite and the infinite.
The two founders Matteo Tommaso Petri and Luciano Paselli will accompany the public to discover their meticulous research into the world of collecting and private wunderkammer, the “chambers of wonders” full of rarities and curiosities.
With the participation of
Matteo Tommaso Petri, founder of 99objects
Luciano Paselli, founder of 99objects
Giulia Ninotta, coordinator of the exhibition
Participation is free but reservations are recommended.
For reservations, click here.