Prix Pictet Space
23 May - 26 August 2018

CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia has been chosen as the official venue for the presentation in Italy of the winning works chosen by the Prix Pictet, the major global photography award dedicated to the theme of sustainability. The Award is given every year by a commission of the highest calibre, chaired by Kofi Annan, former General Secretary of the United Nations.
The concept of ‘sustainability’ is declined here around the theme of ‘space’ understood in its various meanings: a deliberately broad vision that has led photographers to embrace the widest range of subjects: overpopulation, territorial disputes, atmospheric pollution, cyberspace, airborne diseases, hurricanes, as well as the fragility of the great wild areas of the planet and our tendency to fill space with waste and many other things.
The shortlist comprises 12 finalists: Mandy Barker (United Kingdom); Saskia Groneberg (Germany); Beate Gütschow (Germany); Rinko Kawauchi (Japan); Benny Lam (Hong Kong); Richard Mosse (Ireland); Sohei Nishino (Japan); Sergey Ponomarev (Russia); Thomas Ruff (Germany); Munem Wasif (Bangladesh); Michael Wolf (Germany) and Pavel Wolberg (Russia).
The works by Richard Mosse will be on show at CAMERA along with those of the other Award finalists.