Voci Nascoste. Le lingue che resistono
20 April – 2 June 2024

The project Hidden Voices. The resisting tongues by CAMERA and Chora Media, in cultural partnership with Lavazza, has commissioned three unpublished works from Arianna Arcara (Monza, 1984), Antonio Ottomanelli (Bari, 1982) and Roselena Ramistella (Gela, 1982) on the theme of linguistic minorities in the Italian hinterland.
The daily narratives of the Arbereshe Albanian community in Sicily, the Greek-Italian speaking groups of Salento in Apulia, and the Franco-Provençals in the Aosta Valley describe a rich and articulate visual, morphological, and acoustic landscape where the contemporary meets the mythical. However, the memory of oral heritage is at a crucial moment due to the progressive aging of the population, urbanization of large metropolises by young people, massive touristification of places, or conversely, their depopulation.
A journalistic research in the form of a podcast will complement the visual aspect of the project.
The exhibition, hosted in Room 6, is curated by Giangavino Pazzola, on the occasion of EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival.