CAMERA DOPPIA | Summer exhibition
La rivoluzione siamo noi. Arte in Italia 1967-1977 | Ketty La Rocca. Se io fotovivo. Opere 1967-1975

CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia continues on its path of enhancing the role of photography among the great languages of the 20th century, particularly in its relationship with the most important artistic currents of the period. After the great exhibition of masterpieces at MoMA, CAMERA in fact presents a double event: CAMERA DOPPIA, dedicated to photography and Italian art of the 1960s and 1970s, a period extraordinarily rich in visual, intellectual and social stimuli.
La rivoluzione siamo noi. Arte in Italia 1967–1977 and Ketty La Rocca. Se io fotovivo. Opere 1967–1975 are the two major exhibitions, one a group show, the other a solo, to be held at CAMERA from 14 July to 2 October 2022, recounting the climate of those years, characterised by experimentation, research and the invention of new artistic forms.