Centro Italiano per la Fotografia
How to reach us by bus:
Bus lines: 13, 55, 56 – Stop n.477 – SANT’OTTAVIO (Via Po)
Bus lines: Star 1, 6, 18, 68 – Stop n.772 – GIOLITTI (Via Accademia Albertina)
How to reach us by car and on foot:
Open map
the nearest parking places:
Vittorio Park, Valdo Fusi
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
11 am – 7 pm
11 am – 9 pm
Last admission 30 minutes before closing.
Reservations are not required to visit the exhibitions.
General information
Entrance tickets
FULL: € 12
Under 26, over 70 years
and for members / owners:
Academy Gallerie d’Italia, AFIP – Associazione Fotografi Professionisti, Aiace Torino, Alliance Française Torino, Amici della Fondazione per l’Architettura, APC Gold Card, ARCI, Artsupp Card, AWI – Art Workers Italia, Card “Io Leggo di Più”, Card MenoUnoPiuSei, Centro Congressi Unione Industriale Torino, COOP, ENI Station, Enjoy, FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, FIAF, Medicina e Misura di Donna Onlus, Ordine degli Architetti, Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Torino, Slow Food, Spazi Fotografici Bologna, TAU Visual, Touring Club Italiano.
Entrance ticket holders for:
Forte di Bard, Gallerie d’Italia (Milano, Napoli, Torino, Vicenza), MEF – Museo Ettore Fico, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Pirelli HangarBicocca.
Students enrolled in Fine Arts Academies or equivalent, in Degree or PhDs in the fields of photography, historical-artistic, architecture, graphics or cinema by showing a document.
Groups of visitors of at least 15 paying people.
Reduced for school groups: €6
Groups of at least 15 school/university/training institution students.
Ridotto: €4
ALI Association, Intesa Sanpaolo emplyees.
Tickets may be purchased from the ticket office using the Satispay service.
- Under 12
- Visitors with disabilities and a companion
- Holders of Abbonamento Musei Torino Piemonte
- Holders of Torino+Piemonte Card
- Holders of Passaporto Culturale
- ICOM Members
- Eni employees
- Lavazza employees
- Membership of Pirelli HangarBicocca
- Friends of Palazzo Magnani (Reggio Emilia)
- Authorised tour guides
- Journalists
Cultural Passport
CAMERA is part of the project Nati con la cultura. Musei family and kids friendly promoted by the Associazione Abbonamento Musei and set up in 2014 by the Fondazione Medicina a Misura di Donna Onlus with Palazzo Madama all’Ospedale S. Anna.
CAMERA accepts the Passaporto Culturale which allows free entrance to families with children under 12 months; the promotion expires once the child reaches one year of age. The passport must be stamped by the ticket office.
Groups and pre-booked guided tours
Guided tours are every Sunday at 5 pm and are offered only in Italian.
Audioguides in English are available at the ticket office at a cost of €3.
It is possible to book group guided tours in languages other than Italian (English, French, Spanish and German).
For more information please email
CAMERA’s exhibition spaces and public services are free from architectural barriers and are accessible to visitors with disabilities.
Access is permitted with prams and/or pushchairs. A changing mat is also available for babies. Please ask staff at the entrance for more information.
Dogs are welcome at CAMERA, and may access all spaces, as long as they are kept on a leash and at a suitable distance from the works.
For more information, click here or write at
Rent Camera
CAMERA is divided into a series of different spaces in terms of characteristics and dimensions: a Bookshop specialized in photography, the Gallery over 70 meters long, six Sequential Exhibition Sale (between 50 and 100 square meters), a teaching room for laboratories and workshops (also functional as a support space), a further Project Room dedicated to specific exhibitions (120 square meters), the multipurpose Gymnasium room (150 square meters) and the possibility of carrying out two fascinating tree-lined courtyards. CAMERA is also equipped with an offer public, corporate events, private occasions. CAMERA offers a special event in its contemporary spaces in a historical context, with the added value of important exhibitions.
For information
The CAMERA bookshop offers a constantly updated range of publications on photography both from Italy and abroad, as well as books on art and design.
The bookshop observes the same opening hours as CAMERA.