
Mimmo Jodice, metaphysical visions


Tina Modotti, between art and life

Letti in CAMERA presents La Teoria del Vuoto

Screening of “The Tiger’s Coat”


From goal to click. When sports photography becomes an icon

How to Secure a Country + | Guided tour

Match Point: Mario Calabresi interviews Martin Parr

Talk with Alessandro Martini and Maurizio Francesconi

Altra versione dello stesso paesaggio. Talk with Arianna Arcara

The other. Photography and identity | Talk with Federico Clavarino

Transformations and Coexistences. Talk with Walter Niedermayr

“On the Roof of the World: The Journey of H.R.H. the Duke of Abruzzo to Karakorum” by Vittorio Sella, 1910

Lisette Model between New York and Venice | The tale of Ziva Krauss